Posts Tagged ‘Tenderloin National Forest’

Parking Day actually means NO Parking for some, as members from all over the country including San Francisco rolled out the (mostly) fake green grass to take over parking spaces in urban areas.

Photo by Rebar

I found out about Parking Day through the Tenderblog, which hosted their own “Parklet” this year in front of Hooker’s Sweet Treats between Ellis and O’Farrell on Hyde. It’s a day when people take to the streets (not unusual in San Francisco) and reclaim parking spaces usually taken over by cars with lush green stuff. I was excited to meet some of the writers and bloggers from the Tenderblog as well as people from the community.

The group itself was small, when I arrived at 3, but being in a stationary position outside allowed for easy conversation with people on the street. Mostly passersby would stop to ask, “I’ve seen a couple of these sort of things, what is this?” While others were inspired by the green atmosphere. The lush trees and garden environment was donated for the event by the Tenderloin National Forest. A garden planted in a wheelbarrow was thriving compared to a dying office plant which hung from its side. “This plant belongs in water,” a man with a self-reported green thumb offered as he strolled through, stopping long enough to regale us with tales about saving dying plants from off the streets of the TL. “I give you life!”

The main writer for the Tenderblog, as well as Leah of the food blog, Mrs. Delicious (pictured above) made for great conversation on urban planning, San Francisco culture and the Tenderloin. I look forward to working with the Tenderblog in the future, and eating some of Mrs. Delicious’ treats. With a name like that its hard to go wrong.

As a parting note, I unexpectedly discovered my new favorite destination for my other addiction. Chocolate. The dark chocolate caramel with sea salt from Hooker’s Sweet Treats may be the only thing I eat for the rest of life. You’ll understand if my posts begin to dwindle it is only because I’ve become too large to move out of the house. Of course then I’ll need an enabler to smuggle the chocolates to my door.